Category: S

  • Squeeze technique

    A method used in the treatment of premature ejaculation. The procedure involves squeezing the penis below the coronal ridge just before ejaculation takes place so that the male will lose his urge to ejaculate, basilar squeeze technique; stop-start technique.  

  • Squamous cell cancer

    Squamous cell carcinoma. Skin malignancy, commonly arising from sun-damaged regions or existing lesions, initially manifests as a localized and surface-level condition before potentially metastasizing to distant body sites.  

  • Squamous

    Scaly or platelike. Thin and hard like a scale.  

  • Spurious

    In epidemiology, artifactual. When applied to associations, they are not real but rather false relationships produced by methodological errors or confounding variables. Not true or genuine; adulterated; false.  

  • Spotting

    Breakthrough bleeding. The appearance of blood-tinged discharge from the vagina, usually between menstrual periods or at the onset of labor.  

  • Spotted fevers

    Fevers characterized by spots on the skin are carried by ticks. A general, imprecise name for a variety of infectious diseases (including typhus and rickettsial illnesses) characterized by fever and rash.  

  • Sporozoite

    A motile, infective stage of plasmodium, injected into the bloodstream by mosquitoes. One of the many cells formed as a result of sporogony during the life cyle of a sporozoan. In Plasmodium sporozoites are formed by repeated divisions of the contents of the oocyst inside the body of the mosquito. The released sporozoites ultimately pass…

  • Spontaneous remission

    An event or phenomenon characterized by recovery from an illness without treatment or apparent cause. A scenario where the indicators and symptoms of a disease unexpectedly diminish or vanish for an unexplained reason.  

  • Spontaneous recovery

    An increase in the tendency to perform an extinguished response after a time interval in which neither the conditioned stimulus nor the unconditioned stimulus are presented.  

  • Spontaneous pneumothorax

    A pneumothorax occurring from disease of the lung. Not the result of trauma. A condition occurring when an opening is created on the surface of the lung allowing air to leak into the pleural cavity. The spontaneous entrance of air into the pleural cavity. The pressure may collapse the lung and displace the mediastinum away…