Category: S
Statistical structure of language
A method of describing language in terms of the relative frequencies of sounds and combinations of sounds.
Statistical relativity
A method of labeling that defines deviance based on the frequency of a behavior or characteristic. An average frequency is calculated and a person’s status is compared with that average.
Statistical regression
The tendency for extreme scores to become less extreme with retesting because chance variation leads to a broader range of scores on the original test.
Statistical model of health
The use of morbidity and mortality rates as criteria for determining health status medical model of health; holistic model of health.
Statistically significant
An indication that the relationship examined is not due to chance or the effect of sampling.
Statistical correlation
The amount of relationship between two or more sets of data positive correlation; negative correlation.
Statistical concept
A concept derived from mathematics and associated with probability.
Static flexibility exercises
Exercises in which a position is held steady for a period of time at an extreme range of motion.
State-dependent phenomenon
A behavior triggered by the emotional state of an individual.
State-dependent memory
A phenomenon that partly explains the unreliability of retrospective studies.