Category: S
A device that turns a light on and off in very rapid and controllable flashes. A device that produces light intermittently. When the light is shown on moving or vibrating objects, the object appears to be stationary. A photograph taken at the precise time the light is flashed on the object will not be blurred.…
In exercise, the movement of a body part through the full range of motion in order to maintain or improve its flexibility.
Stretcher lash
A method for using a rope to secure an injured person to a stretcher for the purpose of raising or lowering him or her from heights or depths or for transporting over rough terrain.
A device enabling two persons to lift and carry a victim in a lying down position. Several forms of include the following: ambulance army, basket, Robinson Sarole scoop, split-form, and Stokes basket. A folding bed, with handles, on which an injured person can be carried by two people. A framelike cot for carrying sick or…
Stress tolerance
Frustration tolerance.
Stimuli that produce stress. Negative and positive life events. An agent or condition capable of producing stress. Stressors are factors causing stress. They may be pleasant or unpleasant; real or imagined; and physical, psychological, or emotional in nature. Any physical, psychological, or environmental event or condition that initiates the stress response. A stressor refers to…
Stress interview
An interview of a person under simulated stress conditions.
Stress-inoculating training
A therapeutic technique in which the person learns how to cope with stressors in a clinic setting in order to deal with stressors that present themselves in the future.
Streptococcus albus
A bacterium found on the skin. It is believed to be associated with acne.
A general term pertaining to all diseases caused by streptococci bacteria.