Category: S

  • Subcutaneous mastectomy

    Surgical removal of the internal breast tissue, leaving the skin and preserving the nipple, if possible.  

  • Subcutaneous injection

    A hypodermic injection of drugs or other fluids just beneath the surface of the skin, subcutaneous. Injection beneath the skin. Typical sites include the abdomen, upper or outer arm, and the thigh.  

  • Subcutaneous emphysema

    The presence of gas or air in the subcutaneous tissues of the body. A rare condition produced by the presence of gas within the tissue beneath the skin. Subcutaneous emphysema is generally related to an unintentional introduction of air into tissues under the outer layers of skin. It also sometimes occurs as a result of…

  • Subculture

    A distinctive culture within the frame work of a larger culture. A culture of bacteria which is taken from a stock culture. Cultures made by transference of organisms from an existing culture to fresh media, to obtain pure cultures from a mixed growth, to perform characterization or sensitivity tests, or to preserve the viability of…

  • Subcortical structures

    Structures of the brain lying under the cortex.  

  • Subconscious mind

    A Freudian concept of one of the parts of the mind, subconscious.  

  • Subclinical deficiency

    A deficiency of a substance so mild that the deficiency is not recognized by ordinary visual clinical means.  

  • Subclavian artery

    The large artery just under the collarbone that supplies blood to the main artery of the arm, head, neck, and axilla through its branches. One of two arteries branching from the aorta on the left and from the innominate artery on the right, continuing into the brachial arteries and supplying blood to each arm. Either…

  • Stycar

    An acronym for Sheridan’s test for young children and retardates.  

  • St. vitus dance

    A hysterical chorea common during the Middle Ages. St. Vitus Dance, also referred to as Sydenham chorea, is a transitory movement disorder of childhood that is characterized by purposeless, arrhythmic, involuntary movements of the arms, legs, and face; muscle weakness; and emotional lability. Movement difficulties may occur on one side of the body (hemichorea) or…