Category: S
The process of accumulating information about the incidence and prevalence of disease in a particular area. Monitoring, close observation; in epidemiology, refers to ongoing determination of the presence and severity of various diseases, usually done by the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta. In immunology, the concept that the immune system routinely monitors the body…
Someone or something that takes the place of another person or thing. A person or object in someone’s life that functions as a substitute for another person. In the treatment of sexual problems, when the patient does not have a partner to cooperate in treatment, a surrogate provided by the therapist acts as a sexual…
Surgical insurance
A policy that pays for surgical procedures usually when conducted in a hospital setting. There are usually deductible and exclusion clauses.
Surface trait
A relatively superficial and modifiable trait of the personality source trait.
Surface structure
The phrase organization of sentences as they are spoken or written, phrase structure underlying structure.
Supracondylar fracture
A fracture of the distal end of the humerus.
Superclavicular nodes
Lymph nodes located above the clavicle or collar bone.
Supportive therapy
Psychotherapy consisting of emotional support and reassurance, for people with sexual dysfunction. A therapeutic method within psychotherapy that aims to foster encouragement and emotional sustenance for the patient, distinguishing it from insight-oriented or educational approaches to treatment.
Supportive rehabilitation
Treatments aimed at returning a person to a state of self-sufficiency even though a permanent disability has resulted from a disease or injury.
Supply reduction
A strategy for reducing drug abuse by lowering or restricting the supply of legal drugs and eliminating the supply of illegal drugs.