Category: S
Sympathetic pregnancy
A condition in which a father experiences some of the symptoms of pregnancy encountered by the mother. A condition in which an expectant father experiences some of the mother’s physical discomfort of pregnancy, such as morning sickness or frequent urination.
Sympathetic nerve
One of the nerves of the sympathetic portion of the autonomic nervous system. Any nerve of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. A nerve of the autonomic nervous system responsible for overseeing involuntary and automatic responses, particularly in relation to stress.
Symmetrigenic fission
Binary longitudinal fission with duplication of cell organelles preceding fission.
A representation of one idea or object by another, symbol. In psychiatry, process of representing an object or idea by something else. The process of representing an object or an idea by something else. Typically an abstract idea is represented by a simpler and more tangible image. Psychoanalytic theorists hold that conscious ideas frequently act…
Symbolic representation
An abstract representation as in verbal learning or problem solving.
Symbolic loss
In psychoanalytic theory, the unconscious interpretation by the ego of an event as a total loss such as suffered in the death of a loved one.
An image, object, or activity that is used to represent something else, e.g., a phallic. A sign or letter which means something. An object or sign that represents an idea or quality by association, resemblance, or convention. In the realm of diagrams and equations, a letter or abbreviated symbol is employed to represent a specific…
A form of deductive reasoning.
Enumeration of course objectives with an outline of major topics. An outline of a course offered in a school, often on the college level, describing the main topics to be covered, sometimes accompanied by a schedule and listing the works to be assigned or suggested, An abstract of a lecture or outline of a course…
A writing system in which the symbols stand for syllables of words.