Category: S
Symptom severity
A parameter of classification referring to the degree of variation from the norm.
The science concerned with indications, symptoms, and signs of a disease or other condition. A branch of medicine concerned with the study of symptoms. The branch of medicine concerned with the study of symptoms of disease. The science of symptoms and indications. The study of symptoms; examining all the indicators of a disease collectively.
Symptomatic treatment
Treatment designed to alleviate the overt manifestations of a person’s illness without recognizing or dealing with the causes of that illness. Treatment directed toward constitutional symptoms, such as fever, shock, and pain.
Symptomatic alcoholism
Overindulgence in the use of alcohol.
Sympto-thermal method
A rhythm method of contraception that combines the techniques of observing basal body temperature and cervical mucus consistency to determine when a woman ovulates.
A gathering of people for the purpose of intellectual discussion and exchange relative to a specific topic, issue, or problem.
Symphysis pubis
The hair-covered mound in the female that is anterior to the external genitalia. The fibrocartilaginous union of the pubic bones. The junction of the pubic bones on the midline in front; the bony eminence under the pubic hair. The joint where the two pubic bones connect at the front bottom of the pelvis.
Sympatholytic drug
A drug that acts on the sympathetic nervous system to lower blood pressure directly.
An agent having effects similar to those of adrenal function. Concerning the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system and the adrenal medulla.
An ego defense mechanism by means of which a person achieves the sympathy of others by relating to them his or her difficulties.