Category: S

  • Synovitis

    Inflammation of the membrane lining a joint. Inflammation of the synovial membrane. Inflammation of the synovial membrane lining a joint, resulting in pain and swelling; it may be caused by injury, infection, or rheumatic disease (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis). Treatment depends on the cause. An inflammation of the synovial membrane, a condition that often accompanies rheumatoid…

  • Synovial cells

    Cells that produce the lubricating fluid required for smooth function of the joints.  

  • Synovia

    The viscid fluid of a joint or similar cavity. The thick colorless lubricating fluid that surrounds a joint or a bursa and fills a tendon sheath. It is secreted by the synovial membrane. The transparent liquid found within a joint space.  

  • Syngamy

    The union of the gametes in fertilization.  

  • Synesthesis

    The sensation created from the use of certain drugs causing a person to “see sounds” or “hear colors.”  

  • Synergism

    The interaction of two drugs that produces an effect greater than the total effect of each drug acting individually. A situation where two or more things are acting together in such a way that both are more effective. When two drugs used together cause the effects of both to be multiplied instead of just added.…

  • Synaptic vesticle

    A membrane-enclosed sac of neurotransmitter found in the end bulb of a neuron.  

  • Synaptic cleft

    The space between two neurons at which a nervous impulse passes from one neuron to another. The synapse of a neuromuscular junction (between the axon terminal of a motor neuron and the sarcolemma of a muscle fiber). Impulse transmission is accomplished by a neurotransmitter.  

  • Synapsis

    A conjunction of pairs of homologous chromosomes of maternal and paternal origin, respectively. Pairing of homologous chromosomes during an early stage of meiosis. The process of first maturation division in gametogenesis, in which there is conjugation of pairs of homologous chromosomes forming double or bivalent chromosomes. In the resulting meiotic division, the chromosome number is…

  • Synanon

    A therapeutic community in which residents, typically drug addicts, learn to take responsibility for and change their behavior.