Category: S
Section 222
A section of the Social Security Amendments of 1972, which authorizes the Secretary of HEW to undertake, with respect to Medicare, studies, experiments or demonstration projects on: prospective reimbursement of facilities, ambulatory surgical centers (surgicenters), intermediate care and homemaker services (with respect to the extended care benefit under Medicare); elimination or reduction of the three-day…
Scut work
A term used by house-staff and others in hospitals to describe work they dislike, usually trivial in nature, paperwork. or work which could be done by anybody else.
Screening panels
In malpractice, screening panels are used as fact finding bodies during the early stages of a malpractice dispute. There are two basic types of screening panels in use: physicians’ defense panels, which seek to develop the best possible defense for the physician who faces a real or potential malpractice claim; and joint physician and lawyer…
Screening clinic
A clinic where an initial assessment of patients seeking care is done to determine what services they need, with what priority, and, sometimes, where treatment of minor problems is done.
Scope of services
The number, type and intensity or complexity of services provided by a hospital or health program. Scope of services is measured, in a number of quite different ways, so that the capacity and nature of different programs may be compared. A program’s scope of services should reflect, and be adequate to meet, the needs of…
Schedule A
The list of occupations which the Department of Labor considers to be in short supply throughout the United States for purposes of labor certification. AH occupations now listed on schedule A are health occupations, but some health occupations (such as dentists) are not listed.
Scarcity area
An urea lacking; an adequate supply of a particular type of health service (physicians) or all health services. Essentially synonymous with medically under-served area.
Above the eardrum.
The uppermost of three top-shaped nasal bones.
Above a tonsil.