Category: S
Scotopic vision
Vision in the dark and in dim light, where the rods of the retina are used instead of the cones, which are used for photopic vision. Vision at low light levels, primarily as a function of the rods.
The power of the eye to adapt to poor lighting conditions and darkness. Adjustment of the eye for vision in dim light; the opposite of photopia. The capacity to perceive objects in low-light conditions; the process of dark adaptation.
An instrument used to measure areas of impaired vision. An instrument used for mapping defects in the visual field. A device for detecting and measuring scotomata in the visual field.
Referring to a spine which curves sideways.
A surgical operation to cut into the sclera. An operation in which an incision is made in the sclera (white of the eye). Performing an incision within the sclera.
A sharp knife used in sclerotomy.
Sclerotic coat
Same as sclera.
Becoming hard, or making tissue hard.
Sclerosant agent
An irritating liquid injected into tissue to harden it.
A condition of the sclera in which holes appear in it. Severe thinning of the white of the eye (sclera). Scleromalacia occurs in people with rheumatoid arthritis. The eye is not inflamed and not painful. Rarely, perforation can occur without trauma. Thinning of the sclera (white of the eye) as a result of inflammation. The…