Category: S

  • Second opinion

    A diagnosis or opinion on treatment from a second doctor, often a hospital specialist. A consultation which involves the examination of a patient by a surgeon, and the rendering of an opinion by that surgeon, with respect to the need for elective (non-emergency) surgery which has been recommended by another surgeon. An independent professional review…

  • Second molar

    Any of the molars at the back of the jaw, before the wisdom teeth, erupting at about 12 years of age.  

  • Second intention

    Healing of an infected wound or ulcer, which takes place slowly and leaves a prominent scar. Re-suturing or delayed suturing of a wound is a term used when a wound fails to heal through primary intention. Primary intention healing occurs when the wound edges naturally unite or are promptly sutured after the injury. Secondary suturing…

  • Second-degree haemorrhoids

    Haemorrhoids which protrude into the anus but return into the rectum automatically.  

  • Second-degree burn

    A burn where the skin becomes very red and blisters. Damage to the epidermal and dermal layers. A burn that extends into the inner skin layer and is red, swollen, and blistered. A burn that extends through the outer layer of the skin, causing blisters and reddening.  

  • Secondary sexual characteristic

    A sexual characteristic which develops after puberty, e.g. pubic hair or breasts.  

  • Secondary peritonitis

    Peritonitis caused by infection from an adjoining tissue, e.g. from the rupturing of the appendix. Peritonitis resulting from extension of infection from adjoining structures, rupture of a viscus, abscess, or trauma.  

  • Secondary haemorrhage

    A haemorrhage which occurs some time after an injury, usually due to infection of the wound. Secondary hemorrhage refers to bleeding that arises not immediately after an injury or surgical intervention, but rather at a later point. This delayed bleeding can sometimes be triggered by an infection.  

  • Secondary dysmenorrhoea

    Dysmenorrhoea which starts at some time after the first menstruation.  

  • Secondary cartilaginous joint

    A joint where the surfaces of the two bones are connected by a piece of cartilage so that they cannot move, e.g. the pubic symphysis.