Category: S
The front part of the lower leg. The anterior edge of the tibia, the portion of the leg between the ankle and knee.
A way of working in which one group of workers work for a period and are then replaced by another group. The period of time worked by a group of workers. A movement.
Sheltered accommodation
Rooms or small flats provided for elderly people, with a resident supervisor or nurse.
Shelf operation
A surgical operation to treat congenital dislocation of the hip in children, in which bone tissue is grafted onto the acetabulum.
A large piece of cloth which is put on a bed.
To lose blood or tissue.
The removal of hair by cutting it off at skin level with a razor.
Objects with points, e.g. syringes (informal). A colloquial term for medical articles that may cause punctures or cuts to those handling them, including all broken medical glassware, syringes, needles, scalpel blades, suture needles, and disposable razors. Potential infectious risks posed by injury with sharps include HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C infections.
Suddenly and to a significant extent.
To use or do something together with others. To divide something and give parts of it to different people or groups.