Category: S

  • Shortness of breath

    The inability to breathe quickly enough to supply the oxygen needed. The sensation of having difficulty breathing comfortably. Shortness of breath is also referred to as dyspnea and is commonly associated with exercise or physical exertion. A person experiencing shortness of breath may feel that he or she has an insufficient supply of air and…

  • Short-acting

    Effective only for a short period. To a drug or other agent that has a short period of effectiveness, usually beginning shortly after administration.  

  • Short

    Not having enough of something. Not very tall or long. When used to describe pastry, the term “short” refers to a desirable quality that is characterized by a very tender, flaky, and rich texture. This quality is often achieved by incorporating a significant amount of butter or other shortening into the pastry dough. However, it…

  • Shooting

    Sudden and intense.  

  • Shock syndrome

    A group of symptoms, a pale face, cold skin, low blood pressure and rapid and irregular pulse, which show that someone is in a state of shock.  

  • Shock lung

    A serious condition in which a person’s lungs fail to work following a trauma. A diffuse lung injury, causing reduced perfusion, pulmonary edema, and alveolar collapse, associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome.  

  • Shivery

    Trembling from cold, fear or a medical condition.  

  • Shiver

    To tremble or shake all over the body because of cold or a fever, caused by the involuntary rapid contraction and relaxation of the muscles. Involuntary increased muscle activity in response to fear, onset of fever, or exposure to cold. The activity leads to increased heat production.  

  • Shirodkar suture

    A type of suture which is placed around a cervix to tighten it during pregnancy and prevent miscarriage.  

  • Shirodkar’s operation

    A surgical operation to narrow the cervix of the uterus in a woman who experiences habitual abortion in order to prevent another miscarriage, the suture being removed before labour starts. Surgical procedure in which a purse-string suture is used to close the cervix in a pregnant woman whose incompetent cervix has failed to retain previous…