Category: S
A room in a factory or on a ship where people can visit a doctor for treatment.
Having an illness. About to vomit.
Sichuan flu
A virulent type of flu which has the same symptoms as those of ordinary flu (e.g. fever, sore throat and aching muscles) but they are more pronounced.
Referring to a sound which whistles. Whistling or hissing. The term is applied to certain abnormal sounds heard through a stethoscope. Hissing or whistling, as a sound heard in certain abnormal lung conditions or in the formation of certain letters in speech, such as the letter “s.”
X-ray examination of the salivary glands, after introducing a quantity of radio-opaque material into the ducts of the salivary glands in the mouth. It enables the presence of any obstruction to be detected. An X-ray study of the parotid and submaxillary glands (situated below and behind the jawbones) after injection of contrast medium.
A condition in which some of the deoxygenated blood in the lungs does not come into contact with air, and full gas exchange does not take place. A condition in which blood, by going through an abnormal pathway or bypass, does not travel its normal route. It may occur when an arteriovenous fistula forms or…
To become dry and wrinkled.
Shoulder presentation
A position of a baby in the uterus, in which the shoulder will first appear. Presentation in which the shoulder of the fetus is the presenting part.
Shoulder lift
A way of carrying a heavy person, in which the upper part of his or her body rests on the shoulders of two carriers.
Short of breath
Unable to breathe quickly enough to supply the oxygen needed. Breathlessness or difficulty in breathing resulting from a variety of causes such as strenuous exercise or heart or lung disease.