Category: S
An old term for X-ray photograph. An imprint from an x-ray image. The term is often broadly used to refer to an x-ray plate. Also known as a skiagraph or scotograph.
Sjogren’s syndrome
A chronic autoimmune disease in which the lacrimal and salivary glands become infiltrated with lymphocytes and plasma cells, and the mouth and eyes become dry. Autoimmune disease marked by dry skin, dry nasal membranes, and multiple areas of arthritis. Sjögren’s syndrome is an autoimmune disorder characterized by the immune system’s attack on the glands responsible…
SI units
The units used in an international system of units for measuring physical properties such as weight, speed and light. Standard units for expressing biological values.
Situs inversus
A congenital condition, in which the organs are not on the usual side of the body, i.e. where the heart is on the right side and not the left. A right and left reversal or transposition of the abdominal organs. The condition seems to be related to a gene mutation, and a person with situs…
The position of an organ or part of the body, especially the usual position.
Sit up
To sit with your back straight. To move from a lying to a sitting position.
In a particular place.
The position of something. The place where something happened. The place where an incision is to be made in a surgical operation.
To rest with your weight largely supported by the buttocks. To cause a person to sit somewhere.
A female who has the same father and mother as someone. A senior nurse.