Category: S
A thin flat piece of tissue which has been cut off.
Feeling ready to go to sleep.
Sleep off
To recover from a mild illness or hangover by sleeping.
Sleeping tablet
A tablet containing a drug, usually a barbiturate, which makes a person sleep.
Sleep apnoea
A condition related to heavy snoring, with prolonged respiratory pauses leading to cerebral hypoxia and subsequent daytime drowsiness. The cessation of breathing for ten seconds or more during sleep. It affects around 5 per cent of adults and it is markedly more common in men, especially if they are obese; it may occur as frequently…
Very thin.
Skin graft
A layer of skin transplanted from one part of the body to cover an area where the skin has been destroyed. Portion of skin cut and removed from one area of the body and used to cover a part that has lost skin because of burns, injury, or other factors. A skin graft is usually…
Skill mix
The range of different skills possessed by the members of a group or required for a particular job. The varied human resources needed to accomplish a clinical task. To provide postoperative care of a cardiac surgery patient, e.g., a surgeon, anesthesiologist, critical care nurses, nursing aides, respiratory therapists, and other personnel must be assembled. A…
Having acquired a particular skill by training.
Skier’s thumb
An injury to the thumb caused by falling directly onto it when it is outstretched, resulting in tearing or stretching of the ligaments of the main thumb joint. A sprain of the ligament that is attached to the joint of the thumb and controls the bending and straightening motions as well as side-to-side movements of…