Category: S
The condition of breathing noisily through a nose which is blocked with mucus, which is usually a symptom of the common cold, but can sometimes be a sign of congenital syphilis. Partial obstruction of breathing in infants, caused by the common cold. The traditional name applied to noisy breathing in children due to the constant…
Mucus in the nose.
Noisy breathing while asleep. Noisy sounds produced during sleep because of an obstruction to the free flow of air through the passages at the back of the mouth. Snoring affects up to 6o percent of the adult population. This is usually from vibrations of the soft palate, but the main fault lies in the edge…
A loud noise produced in the nose and throat when a person is asleep. To breathe in such a way as to cause vibration of the soft palate of the roof of the mouth, resulting in a hoarse noise. Snoring usually occurs during sleep. The noise produced while breathing through the mouth during sleep, caused…
A slight head cold, or an allergy that causes a running nose.
To keep on sniffing because you have a cold or are crying.
An act of breathing in air or smelling through the nose.
Snellen chart
A chart commonly used by opticians to test eyesight [Described 1862. After Hermann Snellen (1834—1908), Dutch ophthalmologist.] A display showing letters arranged in lines of increasingly smaller size and used to test sharpness of vision. Typically the person is asked to read the letters on the line that can be seen by people with perfect…
Sneezing fit
A sudden attack when someone sneezes many times.
Smoker’s cough
A dry asthmatic cough, often found in people who smoke large numbers of cigarettes. A noisy expulsion of air from the lungs is associated with cigarette or cigar smoking. A recurrent cough arising from the habit of smoking emerges as a consequence of the accumulation of viscous phlegm within the respiratory passages, instigated by the inflammatory…