Category: S
A mature male sex cell, which is ejaculated from the penis and is capable of fertilising an ovum. Spermatozoa, male sex cell that fertilizes an ovum. It develops in the seminiferous tubules of the testis. Tadpolelike, it is tiny (about l/5()0 inch) with a head, neck, and tad. A mature male sex cell. The tail…
A cell which forms a spermatocyte. A cell produced at sin early stage in the formation of spermatozoa. Spermatogonia first appear in the testis of the fetus but do not multiply significantly until after puberty. They act as stem cells in the walls of the seminiferous tubules, dividing continuously by mitosis and giving rise to…
Spermatic artery
An artery which leads into the testes. Either of two arteries that originate from the abdominal aorta and travel downward to supply the testes. One of two long slender vessels, branches of the abdominal aorta, following each spermatic cord to the testes.
Referring to sperm. The name applied to the blood vessels and other structures associated with the testicle.
A short period.
Speech therapist
A qualified person who practises speech therapy.
Speech impediment
An inability to speak easily or in the usual way because of the physical structure of the mouth or other disorders.
Speech block
A temporary inability to speak, caused by the effect of nervous stress on the mental processes.
Carried out using a speculum.
An instrument used to analyse a spectrum. An instrument used to split up light or other radiation into components of different wavelengths. The simplest spectroscope uses a prism, which splits white light into the rainbow colors of the visible spectrum. An instrument for separating radiant energy into its component frequencies or wavelengths by means of…