Category: S
A surgical operation to remove a sphincter. A surgical operation to remove part of the edge of the iris in the eye. Surgical removal of a sphincter, particularly the pyloric sphincter.
A condition in which someone has spherocytes in the blood, causing anaemia, enlarged spleen and gallstones, as in acholuric jaundice. The presence in the blood of abnormally shaped red cells (spherocytes). Spherocytosis may occur as a hereditary disorder (hereditary spherocytosis) or in certain hemolytic anemias. A condition in which erythrocytes assume a spheroid shape. It…
A red blood cell that is round rather than the usual disc shape. Abnormal spherical-shaped red blood cell (erythrocyte). An abnormal form of red blood cell (erythrocyte) that is spherical rather than disk-shaped. In blood films spherocytes appear smaller and stain more densely than normal red cells. Spherocytes tend to be removed from the blood…
Sphenoid sinus
One of the sinuses in the skull behind the nasal passage.
Sphenoid bone
One of two bones in the skull which form the side of the socket of the eye. A bone forming the base of the cranium behind the eyes. It consists of a body, containing air spaces continuous with the nasal cavity; two wings that form part of the orbits; and two pterygoid processes projecting down…
The stage of spermatogenesis during which a spermatid changes into a spermatozoon. The process by which spermatids become mature spermatozoa within the seminiferous tubules of the testis. The processes involved in the transformation of a spermatid to a functional spermatozoon.
Spermicidal jelly
A jelly-like product which acts as a contraceptive.
Sperm donor
A male who gives sperm, for a fee, to allow a childless woman to bear a child.
Sperm count
A calculation of the number of sperm in a quantity of semen. Estimate of the number of spermatozoa in an ejaculate, used as an indication of male fertility. An ejaculate normally contains between 300,000,000 and 500,000,000 spermatozoa; significantly lower numbers usually indicate sterility. A laboratory test to determine the number of sperm cells in a…
Sperm in the urine. The presence of spermatozoa in the urine. Spermatozoa are occasionally seen on microscopic examination of the urine and their presence is not abnormal. If present in large numbers, the urine becomes cloudy, usually toward the end of micturition. Abnormal ejaculation into the bladder on orgasm (retrograde ejaculation) may occur after prostatectomy…