Category: S
The recording of a someone’s breathing by use of a spirograph.
A device which records depth and rapidity of breathing. Instrument for recording breathing movements; the recording is a spirogram. An instrument for recording breathing movements. The record (a tracing) obtained is called a spirogram. A graphical record of respiratory movements. A device employed for documenting breathing.
A record of someone’s breathing made by a spirograph. A record made by a spirograph or a spirometer, demonstrating lung volumes and air flow.
A bacterium with a spiral shape, e.g. the one which causes syphilis. Belonging to a category of bacteria with a spiral shape, these microorganisms are responsible for causing a range of infections, such as syphilis, leptospirosis, relapsing fever, and Lyme disease.
The presence of spirochaetes in the blood.
Spiral ganglion
A ganglion in the eighth cranial nerve which supplies the organ of Corti. A long, coiled ganglion in the cochlea of the ear. It contains bipolar cells, the peripheral processes of which terminate in the organ of Corti. The central processes form the cochlear portion of the acoustic nerve and terminate in the cochlear nuclei…
Spiral bandage
A bandage which is wrapped round a limb, each turn overlapping the one before. A bandage wound round a part of the body, overlapping the previous section at each turn.
Running in a continuous circle upwards. Coiling around a center like the thread of a screw.
Spinous process
A projection on a vertebra or a bone which looks like a spine. The prominence at the posterior part of each vertebra. A bone extension protruding rearward from a spinal vertebra. These projections can be detected as sturdy lumps beneath the skin when fingers are run along the spinal column.
Spinocerebellar tract
A nerve fibre in the spinal cord, taking impulses to the cerebellum.