Category: S
Sports injury
An injury caused by playing a sport, e.g. a sprained ankle or tennis elbow.
The playing of competitive physical games. A competitive physical game. Any organism, whether animal or plant, displaying an abnormality compared to the typical form.
A type of parasitic Protozoa which includes Plasmodium, the cause of malaria. A group of parasitic protozoans that includes Plasmodium, the malaria parasite. Most sporozoans do not have cilia or flagella. Sporozoan life cycles are complex and usually involve both sexual and asexual stages. Some sporozoans are parasites of invertebrates, and the parasites are passed…
A fungus infection of the skin which causes abscesses. Chronic fungal infection of the skin and lymph nodes caused by the fungus Sporothrix schenckii, found in soil and decaying vegetation; it causes skin lesions and subcutaneous lymph nodules in lymph channels. Treatment is by antifungal agents. A chronic fungal infection caused by a mold that…
A substance which kills bacterial spores. An agent that kills spores (e.g. bacterial spores). Some disinfectants that liberate chlorine are sporicides, but most germicides are ineffective since spores are very resistant to chemical action. An agent that destroys bacterial and mold spores. Because spores are more difficult to kill than vegetative cells, a sporicide also…
Killing spores.
The quantity which a spoon can hold.
An instrument with a long handle at one end and a small bow! at the other, used for taking liquid medicine. Instrument consisting of a small bowl on a handle used in scooping out tissues or tumors or in measuring quantities.
Spontaneous version
A movement of a fetus to take up another position in the uterus, caused by the contractions of the uterus during childbirth or by the movements of the baby itself before birth. Unassisted conversion of fetal presentation by uterine muscular contractions. In the initial stages of gestation, the infant independently shifts its posture frequently.
Spontaneous delivery
A delivery of a baby which takes places naturally, without any medical or surgical help.