Category: S
A point in the development of a disease at which a decision can be taken about the treatment which should be given or at which distinctive developments take place. A period or phase of a disease or condition. For example, cancer is said to progress through various stages of severity. Period in the course of…
Staff midwife
A midwife who is on the permanent staff of a hospital.
A particular stage of a disease; for example, the stadium invasioni is the period between exposure to infection and the onset of symptoms.
Stacke’s operation
A surgical operation to remove the posterior and superior wall of the auditory meatus [After Ludwig Stacke (1859-1918), German otologist].
Staccato speech
An unusual way of speaking with short pauses between each word.
Stab wound
A deep wound made by the point of a knife.
Not changing. A term describing a state of health or disease from which little imminent change is expected. In medical contexts, the term is used to describe a patient whose condition is stable, showing neither improvement nor decline. It can also refer to an individual with a personality that is resilient to mental illness, or…
To make a condition stable.
Stabbing pain
Pain which comes in a series of short sharp bursts.
To cut by pushing the point of a knife into the flesh.