Category: S

  • Step up

    To increase something.  

  • Step

    A movement of the foot and the leg as in walking. To move one foot in relation to the other, as in walking.  

  • Stensen’s duct

    A duct which carries saliva from the parotid glands [Described 1661. After Niels Stensen (1638-86), Danish physician and priest, anatomist, physiologist and theologian.] The long secretory duct of the parotid salivary gland. The duct leading from the parotid gland to the oral cavity. The duct that transports saliva from the parotid gland to the mouth,…

  • Stenostomia

    The narrowing of an opening. The abnormal narrowing of an opening, such as the opening of the bile duct. Constriction of the mouth, often due to scar formation.  

  • Stenosing condition

    A condition which makes a passage narrow.  

  • Stenosed valve

    A valve which has become narrow or constricted.  

  • Stellwag’s sign

    A symptom of exophthalmic goitre, where someone does not blink often, because the eyeball is protruding [After Carl Stellwag von Carion (1823-1904), ophthalmologist in Vienna, Austria].  

  • Stellate ganglion

    A group of nerve cells in the neck, shaped like a star. A star-shaped collection of sympathetic nerve cell bodies in the root of the neck, from which sympathetic nerve fibers are distributed to the face and neck and to the blood vessels and organs of the thorax. A ganglion formed by joining of the…

  • Stellate fracture

    A fracture of the kneecap shaped like a star. A star-shaped fracture of the kneecap caused by a direct blow. The bone may be either split or severely shattered; if the fragments are displaced, the bone may need to be surgically removed (patellectomy). A fracture with numerous fissures radiating from the central point of injury.…

  • Steinmann’s pin

    A pin for attaching traction wires to a fractured bone [Described 1907. After Fritz Steinmann (1872-1932), Swiss surgeon.] A metal rod used for internal fixation of the adjacent sections of a fractured bone.