Category: S
A machine for sterilising surgical instruments by steam or boiling water.
To make something completely free from microorganisms which might cause infection. To make someone unable to have children.
The action of making instruments or areas completely free from microorganisms which might cause infection. A procedure that makes someone unable to have children.
Sterile dressing
A dressing which is sold in a sterile pack, ready for use.
A trademark for a type of swab used for cleaning the skin before an injection.
A surgical procedure to identify a point in the interior of the brain, before an operation can begin, to locate exactly the area to be operated on. A relatively recent surgical procedure in which a deep-seated area in the brain is operated upon after its position has been established very accurately by three-dimensional measurements. The…
Referring to procedures which use coordinates put into a computer or scanner in order to locate and operate upon tumours precisely. Examples are biopsies, surgery or radiation therapy. Having precise spatial coordinates; located precisely in three-dimensional space. Stereotactic techniques are used in brain surgery, breast biopsies, and other procedures in which precision is needed in…
Stereoscopic vision
The ability to judge the distance and depth of an object by binocular vision. Three-dimensional vision with depth perception. Perception of the shape, depth, and distance of an object as a result of having ‘binocular vision. The brain receives two distinct images from the eyes, which it interprets as a single three-dimensional image. Vision in…
Made of or containing faeces. Similar to faeces.
A substance which is broken down from bilirubin and produces stercobilin. A colorless substance derived from urobilinogen. It is present in the feces and turns brown on oxidation.