Category: S

  • Sugar free medicines

    Liquid medications devoid of sugar content. These formulations have been created with the goal of minimizing children’s teeth exposure to excessive sugar levels.  

  • Sudafed

    The trade name for the decongestant medication pseudoephedrine.  

  • Subluxated tooth

    A tooth that has been shifted from its original position due to an injury. The upper front teeth are particularly prone to this. Normally, a slightly dislodged tooth can be carefully adjusted back into its original place and then stabilized. If the accident results in damage to the tooth’s blood vessels, root canal treatment becomes…

  • Subdural haemorrhage

    Hemorrhaging into the area between the outer and middle layers of the membranes encasing the brain, typically occurring after a head injury. The confined blood creates a sizable clot inside the skull, exerting pressure on the brain tissue. Indications and manifestations have a tendency to change in intensity and might encompass a headache, disorientation, drowsiness,…

  • Subconjunctival haemorrhage

    Hemorrhaging beneath the conjunctiva, which is the transparent layer covering the white part of the eye, occurs when delicate blood vessels rupture. A subconjunctival hemorrhage is typically benign and resolves on its own within a few days, without requiring any treatment.  

  • Subacromial bursitis

    Inflammation affecting the fluid-filled sac that provides cushioning for the acromion, a component of the scapula (shoulder blade), is known as subacromial bursitis. This condition arises when the bursa gets entrapped within the shoulder joint, often due to a fall or excessive use of the arm, such as in sports that involve throwing motions. This…

  • Strawberry naevus

    A vividly red and elevated mark that emerges during the initial stages of infancy. Strawberry nevi belong to the category of hemangiomas. Typically, treatment isn’t necessary, except when they manifest near the eye, potentially impacting visual maturation.  

  • Straight leg raising

    A neurologic examination conducted as part of the assessment for lower back or leg discomfort. The patient is positioned in a reclined posture, and their leg is gradually lifted by the examiner to attain a 90º angle relative to the horizontal. The patient’s responses are observed at each degree of elevation. The examination is concluded…

  • Stork mark

    A benign, minor skin imperfection seen in numerous newborns, often appearing as a small, flat, pinkish-red mark around the eyes or on the back of the neck. Stork marks, a variant of hemangioma, are typically transient in nature.  

  • Stimulant drug

    Medications that enhance brain function by triggering the release of noradrenaline (also known as norepinephrine). There exist two categories of stimulant drugs: central nervous system stimulants (like amphetamines), employed to address narcolepsy and ADHD; and respiratory stimulants, which promote breathing.