Category: S
To wrap a bandage round a limb tightly, to attach tightly. A band, as one of adhesive tape, used to hold dressings in place or to approximate surfaces of a wound.
Strangulated hernia
A condition in which part of the intestine is squeezed in a hernia and the supply of blood to it is cut off. Abnormal protrusion of the intestine through the abdominal wall, obstructing blood flow and fecal movement. A hernia in which the protruding viscus is so tightly trapped that gangrene results, requiring prompt surgery.…
Referring to part of the body which is caught in an opening in such a way that the circulation of blood is stopped. Describing a part of the body whose blood supply has been interrupted by compression of a blood vessel, as may occur in a loop of intestine trapped in a hernia. Constricted to…
To kill someone by squeezing the throat so that he or she cannot breathe or swallow. To constrict or block the airway by squeezing the trachea. Sealing an opening through tightening or narrowing.
To make something straight, or become straight.
With no irregularities such as bends, curves or angles.
A surgical operation to divide the muscles of the eye in order to correct a squint.
With the eyes focusing on different points.
Storage disease
A disease in which unusual amounts of a substance accumulate in a part of the body. A disorder involving abnormal deposition of a substance in body tissues.
An act of stopping the function of an organ.