Category: S
A metallic element. A yellow metallic element, absorption of which causes bone damage when its atoms displace calcium in bone. The radioactive isotope strontium-90, which emits beta rays, is used in radiotherapy for the ‘contact therapy of skin and eye tumors. A dark yellow metal; atomic weight, 87.62; atomic number, 38; specific gravity, 2.6. Medically…
A parasitic worm which infests the intestines. A genus of small slender nematode worms that live as parasites in the small intestines of mammals. S. stercoralis infects the human small intestine; its larvae, which are passed out in the stools, develop quickly into infective forms. A type of roundworm found in the intestines.
Stroke patient
A person who has had a stroke.
An instrument in the form of a flexible wire with an olive-shaped end used for stripping varicose veins.
A long thin piece of material or tissue. To remove all contents from a hollow organ or tube, especially by gentle pressure, as to strip the seminal vesicles.
String sign
A thin line which appears on the ileum, a sign of regional ileitis or Crohn’s disease. In gastrointestinal radiology, extreme narrowing of a segment of the terminal ileum (in Crohn’s disease) or of the pylorus (in congenital pyloric stenosis).
Blood absorbed right through a dressing so as to be visible on the outside.
A surgical operation in which a part of the intestine is widened.
A pale line on skin which is stretched, as in obese people. Streak or narrow line, often resulting from tension in the skin, as on the skin of abdomen after pregnancy. Also called stretch mark. Narrow marking band on skin; stretch marks. A streak, line, or thin band. The striae gravidarum are the lines that…
Stretch mark
A mark on the skin of the abdomen of a pregnant woman or of a woman who has recently given birth.