Category: S

  • Subnormality

    A condition in which someone’s mind has not developed fully. A state of arrested or incomplete development of mind. Mental sub-normality is essentially an administrative concept, describing the state of those whose intellectual powers have failed to develop to such an extent that they are in need of care and protection. This depends in part…

  • Subnormal

    With a mind which has not developed fully.  

  • Submucous resection

    The removal of a bent cartilage from the septum in the nose. Removal of tissue below the mucosa, especially excision of cartilaginous tissue beneath the mucosal tissue of the nose. Commonly known as septoplasty, this surgery aims to rectify a deviated nasal septum, which is the misshapen division between the nostrils.  

  • Submucous

    Under a mucous membrane.  

  • Submandibular gland

    A salivary gland on each side of the lower jaw. One of a pair of salivary glands situated below the parotid glands. Their ducts (Wharton s ducts) open in two papillae under the tongue, on either side of the frenulum. One of the salivary glands, a mixed tubuloalveolar gland about the size of a walnut…

  • Submandibular ganglion

    A ganglion associated with the lingual nerve, relaying impulses to the submandibular and sublingual salivary glands. A ganglion lying between the mylohyoideus and hyoglossus muscles and suspended from the lingual nerve by two small branches. Peripheral fibers pass to the submandibular, sublingual, lingual, and adjacent salivary glands.  

  • Sublingual gland

    A salivary gland under the tongue. Either of a pair of salivary glands located on the floor of the mouth below the tongue. Lymph nodules that drain the region of the throat and tonsils. One of a pair of salivary glands situated in the lower part of the mouth, one on either side of the…

  • Subject to

    Likely to experience.  

  • Subject

    A patient, a person who has a particular disease. Something which is being studied or written about. A patient undergoing treatment, observation, or investigation; this includes a well person participating in a medical or scientific study.  

  • Subinvolution

    A condition in which a part of the body does not go back to its former size and shape after having swollen or stretched, as in the case of the uterus after childbirth. Failure of a part of the body to return to its normal size after being enlarged. In uterine subinvolution the womb does…