Category: S
Superior mesenteric artery
One of the arteries which supply the small intestine. The second of three major arterial trunks to the gut. The superior mesenteric artery emerges from the ventral midline of the aorta only a few centimeters distal to the celiac trunk, and it supplies the entire midgut, which includes the distal half of the duodenum, the…
Superiority complex
A condition in which a person feels he or she is better and more important than others and pays little attention to them. Exaggerated conviction that one is better than others, a pretense used to compensate for a real or imagined inferiority. An individual’s inflated and unrealistic conviction that they surpass others is termed a…
The fact of being better than something or someone else.
Superior ganglion
A small collection of cells in the jugular foramen.
Superior aspect
A view of the body from above.
A second infection which affects the treatment of the first infection, because it is resistant to the drug used to treat the first. Infection occurring during treatment with antimicrobials for another infection; it usually is caused by a change in the normal microscopic inhabitants of tissue (e.g., a vaginal yeast infection occurring during antibiotic treatment…
Superficial vein
A vein which is near the surface of the skin.
Superficial fascia
Membranous layers of connective tissue found just under the skin. The areolar connective tissue and adipose tissue below the dermis of the skin. Nestled between the deepest layer of the skin and the subcutaneous fat, there exists a fibrous membrane, forming a protective barrier within the human body. This resilient layer of tissue provides structural…
A condition in which two or more ova produced at the same time are fertilised by different males. Fertilization of two or more ova released during the same menstrual cycle by spermatozoa from separate acts of coitus. The fertilization of two or more ova of the same age by spermatozoa from different males. Successive fertilization…
Referring to the eyebrows.