Category: S
Support stocking
A stocking worn to prevent postural hypotension and peripheral oedema.
Helping or comforting someone in trouble.
Support hose
Stocking that fit tightly to the legs, worn to help the flow of blood.
Help to keep something in place. A handle, a metal rail which a person can hold. That which assists in maintaining something in place. Special attention, improved self-esteem, improved health, better grades, more social approval, or improved quality of life resulting from our efforts to change our behaviors.
Any extra nutrients that are taken to help a specific condition when someone is not getting all they need from their food. A pill or product regarded as helpful in improving health that can be bought without a prescription. Supplements are not tested in the same way as prescription drugs. Nutrient taken in addition to…
A muscle which turns the hand so that the palm faces upwards. A muscle of the forearm that extends from the elbow to the shaft of the radius. It supinates the forearm and hand. A muscle producing the motion of supination of the forearm. Muscle of the forearm that rotates the radius outward and the…
A person supervises. One who directs and evaluates the performance of others. In a health care setting, the supervisor usually has the knowledge and skills to provide the same service as those being directed (e.g., the supervisor of the pharmacy, physical therapy, or maternity nursing).
Management or organisation. In relation to families, the duty of parents or guardians to protect and guide children who are in their custody and care. Supervision is part of the parents’ responsibilities that run along with the parents’ rights to make basic and important decisions for a child. A parent’s failure to provide proper supervision…
To manage or organise something.
An increased frequency of ovulation, or production of a large number of ova at one time. It is often caused by giving a woman with infertility problems gonadotrophin hormones to stimulate ovulation. An increased frequency of ovulation or production of a greater number of ova at one time. This is usually caused by the administration…