Category: S

  • Suprarenal gland

    One of two endocrine glands at the top of the kidneys, which secrete adrenaline and other hormones. An excretory structure that produces epinephrine, norepinephrine, and cortisone; also regulates carbohydrate metabolism, salt, and water balance.  

  • Suprarenal cortical hormone

    A hormone secreted by the cortex of the adrenal glands, e.g. cortisone.  

  • Suprarenal

    Above the kidneys. The dried, semi-defatted, and powdered adrenal gland from cattle, sheep, or pigs, from which over 20 derivatives similar to hormones from the reproductive system have been extracted by chemists. Notably strong derivatives include desoxycorticosterone and corticosterone. Also known as adrenal gland or suprarenal gland.  

  • Supraorbital ridge

    The ridge of bone above the eye, covered by the eyebrow.  

  • Supraoptic nucleus

    A nucleus in the hypothalamus from which nerve fibres run to the posterior pituitary gland. The nucleus of the hypothalamus lying above the rostral ends of the optic tracts and lateral to the optic chiasma.  

  • Supraglottis

    The part of the larynx above the vocal folds, including the epiglottis.  

  • Suppurating

    Purulent, containing or discharging pus.  

  • Suppurate

    To form and discharge pus.  

  • Suppress

    To reduce the action of something completely, e.g. to remove a symptom or to stop the release of a hormone.  

  • Support worker

    Someone who assists registered health service professionals as part of a team, e.g. as a nursing auxiliary or assistant, or in specialist areas such as mental health, speech therapy or physiotherapy.