Category: S
Scissor cut
Any haircut that is done with scissors.
Sub-clinical deficiency
State of health in which clinical signs are absent and cannot be detected in a routine medical check-up but can be detected biochemically.
A term describing the oil or meal which results from the treatment of oilseed materials with solvents such as hexane so as to dissolve and extract the oil. Use of food-grade solvents is obligatory when edible products are to be made.
Applied to regions of the world usually no more than 5 to 10 degrees higher in latitude than the Tropics of Cancer or Capricorn and enjoying a climate that is virtually tropical.
The coolest parts of the northern temperate zone, close to the Arctic Circle.
The emergence of roots of a cutting.
Strewing herb
Term used for certain herbaceous plants of which the fragrant foliage was once strewn over the floors of such rooms as the dining halls of manor houses, to mask the bad smells from drains and putrefying food scraps. In England woodruff (Galium) and sweet vernal grass (Anthoxanthum) were typical strewing herbs.
Having stems and branches lacking very strong woody tissue, usually with a core of pith.
A fungal disease characterized by spore-bodies appearing like small masses of black soot, usually infecting the seedheads of grasses.
Having only a single row of petals: the opposite of double.