Category: S
Steroid psychosis
Steroid psychosis (SP) is a syndrome caused by an acute response to treatment with corticosteroids, such as prednisone. SP may persist even if corticosteroid treatment is discontinued. Treatment with steroids such as prednisone is common for individuals with respiratory conditions, such as asthma, or systemic conditions, such as lupus nephritis. SP is a rare and…
Severe chronic neutropenia
Severe chronic neutropenia is a blood disorder. It is characterized by abnormally low levels of the white blood cells that play an integral role in fighting infection. These bacteria-fighting white cells are called neutrophils. Neutrophils are produced within the bone cavities; any disorder, drug, or injury that affects bone marrow can result in a failure…
Scapuloperoneal myopathy
Scapuloperoneal myopathy is a form of myopathy so named because of the involvement of the muscles in the shoulder girdle. Scapuloperoneal myopathy usually presents in young adulthood but may present in early adolescence. Muscle weakness is due to atrophy of the affected musculature. The atrophy raises the question of whether this is truly a myopathy…
Sjoren-larsson syndrome ichthyosis
Sjoren-Larsson syndrome (SLS) is a hereditary disorder of the skin and central nervous system. It is characterized by ichthyosis (red, scaly patches of skin), mental retardation, and spasticity (increased muscle tone). A deficiency of the enzyme fatty aldehyde dehydrogenase is the primary defect in SLS.
Synephrine is considered a biogenic amine that appears to have metabolic effects similar to epinephrine. It is commonly obtained by ingestion of citrus arantium, an herb marketed as a fat loss aid. Little research is available regarding the influence of oral synephrine supplementation and there are no studies available that assess its potential to enhance…
Sports nutrition
Sports nutrition encompasses all aspects of the study of nutrition for athletes. This includes but is not limited to assessment of dietary intake and nutritional status of athletes, determination of dietary principles, nutrients and supplements that impact exercise performance, and counseling athletes for optimal dietary intake. The exploration and application of the principles of nourishment…
Sports gels
Sports gels are carbohydrate-rich semisolids used to replenish glucose utilized during exercise. Some sports gels contain vitamins, amino acids, glycerol, caffeine, herbals, and other constituents, also. Separate entries regarding the potential ergogenic benefits of many of these ingredients are provided throughout this book.
Sports drinks
Sports drinks are typically designed to provide fluid, carbohydrate, and electrolyte replacement. Separate entries are provided for carbohydrate and electrolytes, and the importance of fluids for the prevention of dehydration is described in the entry for hydration. At least 25 commercial sports drinks are available for purchase in the U.S.
Sports bars
Sports bars are often a convenient source of nutrients required by athletes before, during, and after training or competition. Many commercial sports bars are available providing varying amounts of macronutrients and micronutrients. Whether or not a sports bar can provide ergogenic benefits depends upon many factors including their timing of consumption as well as their…
Spirulina is a blue-green algae that contains protein and various vitamins and minerals. Although spirulina can contribute essential nutrients to the diet, evidence that it can provide an ergogenic effect is lacking.