Category: S

  • Spitting up

    Popular term for the backflow of food and fluids from a baby’s stomach.  

  • Spiral curriculum

    A type of curriculum in which a set of courses are taught over several years, each time with greater depth and detail.  

  • Sphingomyelin lipidosis

    Alternate name for Niemann-Pick disease, a type of lipid storage disease.  

  • Speech synthesis

    Production of speech by a computer from words typed into the computer, usually by a person who has ear and hearing problems or speech problems.  

  • Speechreading

    A technique for understanding spoken language through visual clues, such as the position of the jaw, lips, and tongue. Commonly used by people who have ear and hearing problems, speechreading requires considerable training to learn and even then has limited effectiveness alone, because less than half of the common words in spoken English can be…

  • Specimen test

    General type of medical test that involves taking samples of urine, blood, saliva, stool, and other fluids, waste, and tissue from the body for analysis. The characteristics of normal body substances are well known, so laboratory analysis can indicate if the patient’s sample is markedly different from the norm and, if so, in what ways.…

  • Special needs

    In education, designation for a child who cannot be well served by regular school programs and requires special education or adapted education to develop his or her fullest potential. Children with special needs include gifted children, who have unusual and superior talents, and children with various handicaps, including those with learning disabilities, mental retardation, and…

  • Special babies

    Alternate term for high-risk babies or for children With special needs.  

  • Spatial relations

    The ability to judge the relationship of objects to each other and oneself; closely linked to both MOTOR skills and visual skills. Children with learning disabilities or other developmental disorders may have difficulty in judging when they need to duck or crawl under a rope or table, for example, or may consistently try to put…

  • Spalding method

    A highly structured phonics approach to teaching reading at the elementary school level, sometimes called the unified phonics method.