Category: R
Rate-determining step
The chemical reaction in a series of sequential reactions that takes the longest to occur.
Rest station
A temporary relief station for the sick on a military road or railway.
Reasonable physician standard
In the giving of informed consent, the amount of information that a typical physician would provide to patients before asking that they decide to pursue or reject a treatment.
Reasonable patient standard
In the giving of informed consent, the amount of information that a rational patient would want before making a choice to pursue or reject a treatment or procedure.
Resting stage
Term sometimes used for a cell that is between mitotic divisions. It is not accurate because the cell is metabolically active and is producing a new set of chromosomes for the next division.
Retention of staff
Keeping employees on a stable roster without losses due to attrition, firing, or layoffs.
Rusty sputum
Blood-tinged purulent sputum sometimes seen in patients with pneumococcal pneumonia.
Root canal spreader
In dentistry, an instrument that is pointed and of variable diameter and taper. It is used to apply force to the material used in filling a root canal.
Rose spot
Rose-colored maculae occurring on the abdomen or loins in typhoid fever.
Rhizomelic spondylosis
Ankylosis interfering with movements of the hips and shoulders.