Category: R
Relapsing-remitting MS
A clinical course of MS that is characterized by clearly defined, acute attacks with full or partial recovery and no disease progression between attacks.
Recent memory
The ability to remember events, conversations, or content of reading material or television programs from a short time ago (i.e., an hour or two ago or last night). People with MS-related memory impairment typically experience greatest difficulty remembering these types of things in the recent past.
Round nail
A slightly tapered nail shape; it usually extends just a bit past the fingertip.
Rope braid
Braid created with two strands that are twisted around each other.
Massage movement in which the tissues are pressed and twisted using a fast.
Risorius muscle
Muscle of the mouth that draws the corner of the mouth out and back, as in grinning.
Ringed hair
Variety of canities characterized by alternating bands of gray and pigmented hair throughout the length of the hair strand.
Ridge curls
Pin curls placed immediately behind or below a ridge to form a wave.
Technique of forcing the hair between the thumb and the back of the comb to create tension.
Reverse highlighting
Technique of coloring strands of hair darker than the natural color.