Category: Q
Consisting of four times as much. Having four parts.
Paralysed in both arms and both legs.
A large muscle in the front of the thigh, which extends to the leg. One of the extensor muscles of the legs. One of the great extensor muscles of the legs. It is situated in the thigh and is subdivided into four distinct portions: the rectus femoris (which also flexes the thigh), vastus lateralis, vastus…
Quadratus femoris
A muscle at the top of the femur which rotates the thigh.
Any muscle with four sides. Any of various four-sided muscles. The quadratus femoris is a flat muscle at the head of the femur, responsible for lateral rotation of the thigh.
Quadrate lobe
A lobe on the lower side of the liver. A small lobe of liver located on the visceral surface and lying in contact with the pylorus and duodenum.
Blindness in a quarter of the field of vision. Condition characterized by loss of one fourth of a person’s visual field. Inability to see in one quarter of the visual field. Homonymous quadrantanopia is loss of vision in the same quarter of the field in each eye. Blindness or diminished visual acuity in one fourth…
In Congress, material in a law which amends another, earlier Act of Congress is placed in quotes, and material which does not (new, free-standing legislative authority) is not. Thus material amending another law (such as the Public Health Service Act) is said to be ‘in the quotes’.
Quality assurance program for medical care in the hospital
A program developed by the American Hospital Association for use by hospital administrations and medical staff’s in the development of a hospital program to assure the quality of the care given in the hospital.
Meeting standards for program eligibility licensure, reimbursement or other benefits. Thus a qualified educational program meets accreditation standards, a qualified HMO (for the benefit of mandated dual-choice under section 1310 of the PHS Act) meets the standards imposed by the HMO Act, and a qualified provider for reimbursement by an insurance program meets its conditions…