Category: Q
Quartan fever
A form of malaria caused by Plasmodium malariae in which the fever returns every four days. Description of intermittent fever with paroxysms developing every fourth day. Usually applied to malaria.
Referring to a fever which occurs every fourth day, e.g. in some types of malaria. Occurring every 4th day, or about every 72 hours, as the fever and weakness of quartan malaria. Happening every fourth day. Malaria with symptoms that recur approximately every 72 hours.
Quantitative digital radiography
The use of digital X-ray scans to find out whether a person has a bone disease such as osteoporosis. The levels of calcium in the bones are measured, usually in the spine and hip. A technique for detecting osteoporosis in which a beam of X-rays is directed at the bone-area under investigation normally the spine…
Referring to a study in which numerical information is collected.
A method which guides nurses to evaluate their activity in terms of efficiency of cost, time, use of skill level and workload.
Referring to a study in which descriptive information is collected.
To make a person suitable to do something. To pass a course of study and be accepted as being able to practise.
A walking stick which ends in four little legs.
Quadruple vaccine
A vaccine which immunises against four diseases, diphtheria, whooping cough, poliomyelitis and tetanus. Prophylactic mixed vaccine active against diphtheria, poliomyeUtis, tetanus and pertussis.
One of four babies born to a mother at the same time. Any of four offspring born at the same time from the same pregnancy. One of four children born of the same mother in the same confinement. One of the four children born from a single pregnancy.