Category: Q
Recurring daily. Happening daily. A recurring fever that occurs intermittently every day.
One of five babies born to a mother at the same time. Any of five offspring born at the same time from the same pregnancy. One of 5 children born of a single gestation. Any one of five children born from a single pregnancy.
Referring to a fever that occurs every fifth day.
Quinine poisoning
An illness caused by taking too much quinine, leading to dizziness and noises in the head.
Same as quintuplet (informal).
Referring to a disease with symptoms redaced either by treatment or in the usual course of the disease. The description applied to a disease in an individual which is in an inactive phase and so likely to be undiagnosed. The condition of being inactive or at rest.
Quick test
A test to identify the clotting factors in a blood sample. A liver function test that measures the amount of hippuric acid excreted after a dose of sodium benzoate is given.
Queckenstedt test
A test done during a lumbar pincture in which pressure is applied to the jugular veins to see if the cerebrospinal fluid is flowing correctly [Described 1916. After Hans Heinrich George Queckenstedt (1876-1918), German physician.] Test to determine whether there is a blockage in the spinal canal or whether cerebrospinal fluid can flow freely. A…
Feeling as though about to vomit.
The feeling of being about to vomit.