Category: P
Put up
To arrange something such as a drip.
To rot or decompose.
A small pimple filled with pus. Small pus-containing elevation on the skin. Also called pimples, elevations of the skin containing pus that result from inflamed hair follicles. Pustules are formed when hair follicles or sweat pores become blocked by an oil called sebum, which promotes the multiplication of bacteria that are normally present in the…
Covered with or composed of pustules. Referring to pustules. Distinguished by the development of pustules.
Purkinje fibres
A bundle of fibres which form the atrioventricular bundle and pass from the atrioventricular node to the septum [Described 1839. After Johannes Evangelista Purkinje (1787—1869), Professor of Physiology at Breslau, now in Poland, and then Prague, Czech Republic.]
Purkinje cells
Neurones in the cerebellar cortex [Described 1837. After Johannes Evangelista Purkinje (1787-1869), Professor of Physiology at Breslau, now in Poland, and then Prague, Czech Republic.] Nerve cells found in great numbers in the cortex of the cerebellum. The cell body is flask-shaped, with numerous dendrites branching from the neck and extending fanwise among other cells…
To make something pure.
Purified protein derivative
A pure form of tuberculin, used in tuberculin tests. A skin test done to detect susceptibility or exposure to tuberculosis. A substance derived from tubercle bacilli, administered through a skin injection, to determine the current or past presence of tuberculosis in an individual.
The use of a drug to cause a bowel movement. The use of drugs to stimulate intestinal activity and clear the bowels. The elimination of waste from the bowels induced by the use of laxatives.
Pure alcohol
Alcohol BP, alcohol with 5% water.