Category: P
A hairdresser’s word to describe short and heavily textured haircuts that have a lot of separation in the length, making the style look choppy and messy.
Permanent color
Strong, dynamic color in a complete range of tones.
Inflammation of tissues surrounding a tooth.
Protein supplementation
Blending two or more protein sources to get a better amino acid balance, thus enhancing the quality of the entire protein.
Protein-rich food
A food product with a high level of protein or a food carrying an enhanced level of protein compared to the normal product.
Protein quality or score
The biological value of any protein, depending in turn on its digestibility and amino acid balance. It is expressed as a figure which represents the percent of the most limiting amino acid in the protein to that of the same amino acid in the reference protein.
Protein Isolates
Products with protein levels approximating 85 percent, made by separation, mechanical concentration, and/or acid precipitation from solution.
Protein concentrates
Edible products with protein levels considerably higher than originally present, and usually made form oilseeds like the groundnut, seasame, soya, cottonseed, etc, from leaves, or from fish.
Protective foods
Foods carrying a high level of vitamins, minerals and proteins, which play a role in safeguarding health. Foods that are rich in essential nutrients, so called because they protect the body against deficiency diseases.
Prevention of food adulteration act and rules
The Act and Rules define and lay down standards of quality for both natural and formulated foods, transgressions of which are penalized under the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act passed in 1954.