Category: P
The second stage of children’s learning, according to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development.
Prenatal test
A type of medical test performed on a woman during pregnancy but before childbirth, generally focusing on the health and condition of the fetus. Many such tests are given to identify genetic disorders before birth, often at a stage when abortion or fetal surgery in utero can be performed if appropriate. Among the common prenatal…
A term referring to people with ear and hearing problems who were deaf at birth and so had no experience of sound and spoken language; the term is also used to refer to children who lost their hearing before age three, before they learned how to speak. Such people—95 percent of people who are hearing-impaired—need…
Organized school-affiliated class for children in the year (or two) before kindergarten, taught by a professional educator and physically held either in an elementary school as a separate grade or in a nursery school housed elsewhere.
Preferred modality
The sensory mode (one of the senses) the child uses most easily or efficiently for gaining knowledge and information.
Precursor skill
Alternate term for prerequisite, in the sense of a skill that is regarded as fundamental to the mastering of a more complex, higher-level skill.
Precollege program
A program that specifically prepares a student for college, often a student with handicaps or education deficiencies that require some special training to reach college-entry level; sometimes a general term referring to any formal education below college level.
Postsecondary education
Any formal education beyond high school (secondary school). The term usually refers to undergraduate and postgraduate college programs but sometimes also includes a wide range of nondegree programs for continuing education for adults, including special programs for people with handicaps.
Postpartum room
The room in a hospital to which a woman is moved after childbirth, often from the recovery room but sometimes from the labor/delivery/recovery (LDR) room.
Postneonatal mortality
Infant mortality in the second through 12th months of life.