Category: P
To or arising from disease (e.g., pathologic fracture, fracture arising from bone disease, not from injury). Disease or the alterations in structure and function caused by disease give rise to the defining features. Pathologic heart murmurs have the potential to serve as indicators of a malfunction in the heart.
Paternity test
Comparison of blood types among mother, child, and a man suspected of fathering the child in an effort to determine the father. If the child’s blood group could not have resulted from the combination of the man’s blood group with that of the woman, then the man is definitely not the father of the child.…
Participating provider
Provider who contracts with a health insurance plan to provide medical services.
Particle physics
The study of what things are made of. Particle physicists study the fundamental particles that make up all of matter, and how they interact with each other. Everything is made up of these building blocks—leptons, quarks, and force-carrying particles. Leptons and quarks are often called elementary particles. Four different force-carrying particles lead to the interactions…
Oral antidepressant used to treat depression, associated anxiety, and lethargy; side effects may include nausea, sweating, tremor, decreased appetite, and ejaculatory disturbances in men.
Parathion poisoning
Toxic condition caused by the inhalation or ingestion of the insecticide parathion. Symptoms include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, headache, convulsions, and difficulty in breathing, sweating, and signs of stimulation of the parasympathetic nervous system. Poisoning contracted by accidental inhalation or ingestion while working with the pesticide or because of the inadvertent contamination of food products…
Presence of parasites in the blood.
Paraquat poisoning
Toxic condition resulting from ingestion of the pesticide paraquat and characterized by progressive damage to the esophagus, kidneys, and liver, often leading to death. Poisoning due to ingestion of paraquat. People who have consumed paraquat may be treated with oral activated charcoal and, if kidney failure is present, hemodialysis.
Anticonvulsant used in the treatment of petit mal seizures. Adverse effects include dermatitis, sedation, blood disorders, disturbances of vision, and hepatitis. An anticonvulsant drug used to prevent or reduce petit mal fits in epilepsy. It is administered by mouth; the commonest side-effects include drowsiness, digestive upsets, £md blurred vision.
Parainfluenza virus
Virus causing upper respiratory infections, including the common cold, bronchiolitis, and croup, most commonly in children. Any one of three related viruses that cause a variety of respiratory infections ranging in severity from the common cold to croup to a type of pneumonia. Parainfluenza viruses tend to cause illness predominantly in young children. By adulthood,…