Category: P

  • Pentagastrin

    A synthetic hormone that has the same effects as gastrin in stimulating the secretion of gastric juice from the stomach. It is injected to test for gastric secretion in the diagnosis of digestive disorders.  

  • Pentaerithrytol

    A drug that dilates blood vessels and is used in the treatment of angina and other heart conditions. It is administered by mouth and may cause headache and indigestion.  

  • Pediculus

    A widely distributed genus of lice. There are two varieties of the species affecting man: P. humanus capitis, the head louse; and P. humanus corporis, the body louse. The presence of these parasites can irritate the skin, and in some parts of the world body lice are involved in transmitting relapsing fever and typhus. A…

  • Pediculoides

    A genus of widely distributed tiny predaceous mites. P. ventricosus occasionally attacks man and causes an allergic dermatitis called grain itch. This complaint most usually affects those people coming into contact with stored cereal products, such as hay and grain.  

  • Pectoriloquy

    Abnormal transmission of the patient’s voice sounds through the chest wall so that they can be clearly heard through a stethoscope. Whispered sounds (whispering pectoriloquy) can be heard over the lung of a patient with pneumonia. The resonance of the voice, when spoken or whispered words can be clearly heard through the stethoscope placed on…

  • Pavementation

    The sticking of white blood cells to the linings of the finest blood vessels (capillaries) when inflammation occurs.  

  • Pass pointing

    Failure to touch a chosen target with an outstretched hand 307 pedicle when the eyes are closed. It is a sign of imbalance in the function of the labyrinth of the inner ear. The hand moves toward the side of the affected labyrinth.  

  • Pars

    A specific part of an organ or other structure, such as any of parts of the pituitary gland.  

  • Parrot disease

    An infectious disease of parrots and parakeets due to a viruslike organism of the genus Bedsonia; it can be transmitted to man and causes headache, bleeding from the nose, shivering, fever, and complications involving the lungs. Untreated the disease can be fatal, but it responds to tetracyclines or penicillin.  

  • Paroophoron

    The vestigial remains of part of the mesonephric duct in the female, situated next to each ovary. It is associated with a similar structure, the epoophoron. Both are without known function. A group of minute tubules located in the mesosalpinx between the uterus and ovary. It is a vestigial structure consisting of the remains of…