Category: P

  • Primary amyloidosi

    Amyloidosis not associated with a chronic disease.  

  • Primary amputation

    Amputation performed before inflammation or infection sets in.  

  • Posttraumatic amnesia

    A state of agitation, confusion, and memory loss that the patient with traumatic brain injury (TBI) enters soon after the injury or on awakening from coma. Edema, hemorrhage, contusions, shearing of axons, and metabolic disturbances impair the brain’s ability to process information accurately, resulting in unusual behaviors that often are difficult to manage. Trauma patients…

  • Phenylpyruvic amentia

    Mental retardation due to phenylketonuria.  

  • Postpartum amenorrhea

    Amenorrhea following childbirth that may last for only a month or two and thus would be within normal limits; or it may be permanent and thus abnormal.  

  • Physiological amenorrhea

    Absence of menstruation related to normal aspects of body function in response to age, such as immaturity in the prepubescent girl and aging in the postmenopausal woman, or to hormonal interruptions in the gonadotropic feedback loop, such as occur during pregnancy and lactation. It is not related to organic disease.  

  • Pathological amenorrhea

    Inability to menstruate related to organic damage, disease, or dysfunction. Common causes include hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction; ovarian dysfunction; alteration or obstruction of the genital outflow tract; congenital abnormalities; neoplasms; and injuries. Examples of inability to menstruate related to disease include Ascherman’s syndrome, Savage’s syndrome, Sheehan’s syndrome, and Turner’s syndrome.  

  • Pulmonary alveolus

    One of the terminal epithelial sacs of an alveolar duct where gases are exchanged in respiration. The fifth aortic arch on the left side. It becomes the pulmonary artery. An alveolus is a small, balloon-like sac located at the end of a bronchiole, which is one of the numerous tiny air passages found in the…

  • Peanut allergy

    An IgE-mediated immediate hypersensitivity reaction to the consumption of peanuts (the seeds of Arachis hypogaea). Peanut allergens are designated Ara by the World Health Organization. Peanut allergy is the single most important food allergy in the U.S., affecting more than a million people. Reactions to peanuts may range from mild (rashes) to life-threatening (closure of…

  • Polymerized allergen

    A chemically altered allergen made into a macromolecule, used in immunotherapy to stimulate a blocking antibody response stronger than the allergen’s normal allergic response.