Category: P

  • Peripheral anesthesia

    Local anesthesia produced when a nerve is blocked with an appropriate agent.  

  • Paravertebral anesthesia

    Injection of a local anesthetic at the roots of spinal nerves.  

  • Pathological anatomy

    Study of the structure of abnormal, diseased, or injured tissue.  

  • Precapillary anastomosis

    Anastomosis between small arteries just before they become capillaries.  

  • Portal systemic anastomosis

    Any of the venous connections between the portal circulation and the main systemic circulation. These veins provide alternative routes by which venous blood normally shunted through the liver can reach the inferior vena cave and then the heart. Veins in the portal circulation have no valves; thus blood can travel backwards in the portal system…

  • Passive cutaneous anaphylaxis

    A laboratory test of antibody levels in which serum from a sensitized individual is injected into the skin. Intravenous injection of an antigen accompanied by Evan’s blue dye at a later time reacts with the antibodies produced in response to the antigen, creating a wheal and blue spot at the site, indicating local anaphylaxis.  

  • Passive anaphylaxis

    Anaphylaxis induced by injection of serum from a sensitized animal into a normal one. After a few hours the latter becomes sensitized.  

  • Pulse height analyzer

    A circuit that differentiates between pulses of varying sizes. It is used in scintillation, blood cell, and particle counters.  

  • Parallel analyzer

    A discrete automated chemical analyzer that performs a single test on a group of samples at practically the same time (within milliseconds of one another).  

  • Paretic analgesia

    Complete analgesia of an upper limb in conjunction with partial paralysis.