Category: P
Palpebral cartilage
One of the thin plates of connective tissue resembling cartilage that form the framework of the eyelid.
Pit and fissure caries
Caries in the pits and fissures of tooth enamel.
Primary cardiomyopathy
Cardiomyopathy in which the origin (i.e., cause) is unknown.
Peripartum cardiomyopathy
Dilated cardiomyopathy occurring either in the last month of pregnancy or in the six months after delivery. Although its cause is unknown, it occurs more often both in older and multiparous women.
Pyloric canal
The narrow constricted region of the pyloric portion of the stomach that opens through the pylorus into the duodenum.
Pudendal canal
A canal on the pelvic surface of the obturator internus muscle formed by the obturator fascia. It transmits the pudendal vessels and nerve.
Pterygopalatine canal
Canalis palatinus major, a canal between the maxillary and palatine bones that transmits the descending palatine nerves and artery.
Pterygoid canal
A canal in the sphenoid bone that transmits the pterygoid vessels (e.g., the vidian artery) and pterygoid nerve.
Portal canal
The connective tissue (a continuation of Glisson’s capsule) and its contained vessels (interlobular branches of the hepatic artery, portal vein, and bile duct and lymphatic vessel) located between adjoining liver lobules.
Pharyngeal canal
A canal between the sphenoid and palatine bones that transmits branches of the sphenopalatine vessels.