Category: P
Physiological chemistry
The subdivision of biochemistry concerned with chemical processes in living organisms.
Physical chemistry
Theoretical chemistry; the chemistry concerned with fundamental laws underlying chemical changes and the mathematical expression of these laws.
Pharmaceutical chemistry
The chemistry of medicines, their composition, synthesis, analysis, storage, and actions.
Pathological chemistry
The study of chemical changes induced by disease processes (e.g., changes in the chemistry of organs and tissues, blood, secretions, or excretions).
Peremptory challenge
A challenge to remove a juror from a prospective jury without cause.
Postmortem cesarean section
Surgical removal of the fetus from the uterus immediately after maternal death.
Psychocortical center
One of the centers of the cerebral cortex concerned with voluntary muscular contractions.
Pneumotaxic center
The center in the pons that rhythmically inhibits inspiration.
Preseptal cellulitis
Soft tissue infection limited to the tissues anterior to the orbital septum.
Pus cell
A leukocyte present in pus. Cells of this type are often degenerated or necrotic.