Category: P

  • Portal eminence

    One of the small median lobes on the lower surface of the liver.  

  • Parietal eminence

    A marked convexity on the outer surface of the parietal bone.  

  • Pulmonary embolus

    An embolus in the pulmonary artery or one of its branches.  

  • Paradoxical embolism

    An embolism arising from the venous circulation that enters the arterial circulation by crossing from the right side of the heart to the left side through a patent foramen ovale or septal defect. It may occasionally cause stroke in a patient with a deep venous thrombosis.  

  • Periosteal elevator

    A surgical instrument for separating the periosteum from the bone.  

  • Positive electrode

    An anode; the pole opposite a cathode.  

  • Polymer membrane electrode

    An electrode in which the sensing membrane is an organic polymer containing a hydrophobic ion-exchange neutral carrier (ionophore).  

  • Point electrode

    An electrode with an insulating handle at one end and a small metallic terminal at the other for use in applying static sparks.  

  • Positive electricity

    An electric charge caused by loss of negatively charged electrons.  

  • Pustular eczema

    Follicular, impetiginous, or consecutive eczema including eczema rubrum (red, glazed surface with little oozing), eczema madidans (raw, red, and covered with moisture), eczema fissum (thick, dry, inelastic skin with cracks and fissures), and squamous eczema (chronic on soles, legs, scalp; multiple circumscribed, infiltrated patches with thin, dry scales).