Category: P

  • Prosthetic valve endocarditis

    Bacterial infection of a surgically implanted artificial heart valve.  

  • Portal-systemic encephalopathy

    Brain dysfunction present in patients with chronic liver disease and portal hypertension, in which chemicals that the liver normally detoxifies are shunted past it and left to circulate in the blood. Some patients are asymptomatic; others have mild impairments in memory, calculation, speech, affect, or judgment. Severely affected patients may lapse into coma.  

  • Postvaccinal encephalomyelitis

    Encephalomyelitis following smallpox vaccination.  

  • Paraneoplastic encephalomyelitis

    An inflammatory disorder of the central nervous system that occurs in the setting of a cancer found in another part of the body and probably results from the remote effects of some antigen or hormone released by the tumor.  

  • Purulent encephalitis

    Encephalitis characterized by abscesses in the brain.  

  • Postvaccinal encephalitis

    Acute encephalitis following vaccination.  

  • Postinfectious encephalitis

    Encephalitis that follows a systemic viral infection (e.g., mumps or measles) or a reactivation to varicella-zoster in adults.  

  • Paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis

    A brain disorder occurring in some patients with cancer, characterized by the rapid onset of memory loss, often in association with temporal lobe disease, seizures, delirium, or disturbances of mood. Patients with PNLE often have antibodies against tumor antigens that also react with nerve cell antigens. In some patients the neurological disorder improves after treatment…

  • Pulmonary interstitial emphysema

    The presence of air in the connective tissues of the lung; seen, e.g., in neonates treated with high-pressure mechanical ventilation. This condition can cause insufficient oxygenation and cystic lung damage.  

  • Pyramidal eminence

    An elevation on the mastoid wall of the tympanic cavity. It contains a cavity through which the stapedius muscle passes.